Sunday, May 27, 2007

Leading a horse to water...

One of my frustrations at the moment, is actually getting ALL of my classes engaged using the web sites and tools I have set up for them!!!!

My Year 10s to be fair are coming along really well. Every couple of weeks I am raising my expectations of the tools that they should be using and how they should by using. I am fortunate that I am located next to a computer room and so we spend tutor time on the computers. Just having 15 mins for the kids to look up what we are doing, homework or do a quick blog has meant that they feel confident users at home. More and more of the students are blogging regularly and not just because it is homework.

However, my other classes have been very slow adopters. I know these things take time - but with all the time I put into it - I start to wonder if it is worth it!!!

While I know some would argue, not all our kids have internet access - I can say that that is now only true for some. Those that do not have access at school anyway!!

I think the issue lies in having that intial PLAY time on a site, getting them used to finding the website and blog. I have managed to allocate only a few lessons to do this last term - in the hope that it would take off. I do not have time to take out any more lessons - and yet I know that it would really help the students if I did!! Dilema.

At the end of the day, many of my senior students have admited that they are just lazy! so maybe it is simply a case of perservering and calling parents where apporpriate. I mean I know they are using BEBO etc regularly - there really is very little excuse!!!!

Anyway, enough gryping!! I just want things to happen over night - none of this taking time stuff!!!! I suppose the horse will drink eventually when it gets thirsty!! I guess the trick is making it thirsty?????????????

That's about it:)

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