Sunday, July 22, 2007

Saving YouTube Videos is a site that enables you to save youtube videos to your hard drive. It has a funny quirk though.

You first need a free download though: Riva flv Encoder

I would tell you more accept I need my administrator to allow me to download this thing!!!!!!!!

Will let you know more in due time..........

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The New BEBO

My year 10 students are using classblogmeister for classwork and anything they feel like reflecting on. Not all of them use as frequently as I would like - however here is an interesting comment from one of my students....

"classblogmeister is the new BEBO!"

She is not on BEBO for what ever reason - but really enjoys classblogmeister because people can not find her so easily.

This is a really interesting comment from a teenager of today - and just goes to show us that not everyone wants to share their life with the entire planet!